
World championship winning experts in design and simulation

Improve Your Design

Winning is everything.


Auto racing is a constantly growing sport, where competitiveness is key, and every ounce of performance counts. Never before has every tenth been so important, and as more and more racers are finding out, aerodynamics and clever suspension are the key to improved performance. More importantly than this though, it is being found that the integration between these two and all other car systems is the most important factor to ensure consistent, repeatable performance.


JKF Consulting thrives on the design of unconventional and challenging race car aerodynamic devices, and can offer a variety of aerodynamic consultancy services to fulfil your needs. Feel free to contact us via the details on our contact page to discuss your aerodynamic needs and how we can be of assistance.


Bringing you the best in high quality consulting at achievable pricing.


Using online or in-person consulting to show you the best ways to design your own parts.


Using high performance computational analysis to further your designs.

Educational Courses

Teaching the fundamentals of aerodynamics, so you can better understand what is happening yourself.

Add Performance

Get in touch about how we can make you faster.


Kyle Forster

Kyle Forster

Lead Aerodynamicist

    Driven by a desire for performance and a passion for motorsport, Kyle has trained for 12 years to hone his engineering skills. He has a PhD in aerodynamics, publications in multiple top-ranking Journals, and has designed aero kits for all levels of race cars. Winning multiple F1 world championships as an Aerodynamicist with Mercedes has been a key highlight of his career, but he relishes the challenge of any racing class. Read more...


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